Get FREE Referrals Using PPC Advertising

Using PPC advertising can be a very effective way of getting referrals.  There are even eBooks out there that are selling this information that I am about to give you for free.

OK, lets get started.  First thing we must do is have a website or blog.  If you don’t already have a website for advertising your links, you can use your PTCReferrals program link with which has all your referral links for the sites you joined.

Alternatively you could create a blog for free by using  Next, you will create your landing page with all your referral links.

Another option would be to just advertise your referral link for a particular site directly i.e. like your referral link at Neobux.

Next, we are going to use Bidvertiser to create our PPC ad.  First reason being, because Bidvertiser is in the circle of PTCs, PTRs, Traffic Exchanges, etc, their ads are more likely to convert to referrals.  In fact, they have a specific category:  Computer & Internet –> Home Business & Get Paid To Surf/Read… that is perfect for our ad.

Another reason is I have a special offer link where you can get $20 free advertising, link is at the bottom.

After we have created our Bidvertiser account we are going to create an effective ad.  This is the key to this method and it may take some experimenting with different words to be more effective.

The first thing to do is select keywords that will trigger the add to display.  Bidvertiser’s keyword tool is a great help in suggesting keywords.  If you add keywords such as “make money online clicking” it will suggest a lot of other search terms that are commonly used such “make extra money online”.

We are using keywords for the right targetted audience.  Versus an keywords like “Make Money Fast” which implies a get rich scheme and alot of viewers will just dismiss your ad.  Again you have to experiment with the keywords.

Next you want to create the actual advertisement.

Very Important: I want to stress this point, DO NOT make your advertisement too broad in scope or misleading.  This will only lead to clicks by disinterested viewers and cost you money. Pick a title that will capture the interest of the viewer and then in your description describe how its done.  For example:

Title:                   Get Paid Every 30 Seconds

Description:         Earn up to $0.02 a click to

view advertisements.

Url:            {ref link}

Very simple yet effective and precise to let the viewer know exactly what he/she needs to do to get paid every 30 seconds.  Being precise helps target the right audience, converts to more successful clicks and saves you money from disinterested clickers.

Here is the best part.  If you use the following link to join Bidvertiser you will get $20 of credit to get free advertising –>

Promote your Website with BidVertiser. Get $20 in FREE clicks.

<!– Begin BidVertiser Referral code –>
<script language=”JavaScript”>var bdv_ref_pid=329500;var bdv_ref_type=’i’;var bdv_ref_option=’a’;var bdv_ref_eb=’0′;var bdv_ref_gif_id=’ref_110x32_red’;var bdv_ref_width=110;var bdv_ref_height=32;</script>
<script language=”JavaScript” src=”″></script&gt;
<noscript><a href=””>pay per click advertising</a></noscript>
<!– End BidVertiser Referral code –>

Divide that by the $0.02 PPC and you are getting 1000 free visits to your site.

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July 15, 2010 1 comment

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